The Rich History of the Plumbing Life

General Plumbing Tips, Plumbing

The Rich History of the Plumbing Life

Modern plumbing makes for an exciting and interesting story as much as you’d deny it. As a matter of fact, it has proved to be a significant feature in the lives of the people and has till date been improvised remarkably. From sprinkler systems to indoor faucet handling, the plumbing industry has some fascinating knowledge for you to know.

1) In case you’re suffering from leaky faucet which perhaps drips twice in a minute, over a week you could waste a gallon. For which we should definitely be grateful to our helping plumbers.

2) Word ‘Plumber’ is derived from ‘Plumbum’, a Latin word that means ‘lead’.

3) There happens to be Plungers of two types, a shower/sink plunger and toilet plunger. Toilet plungers turn narrow from the bottom in order to fit while sink plungers comes as flat.

4) In the year 1939, unaided faucet was invented by Al Moen which was able to control cold and hot water with single turn.

5) Everyone’s toilet tank consists of a floating mechanism which is known as ballcock (a funny name) that flawlessly supervises the water’s flow.

6) Covers for manhole are made circular, only because if they are made sideways it cannot fall past its own opening.

7) Steamfitters Union and the plumbers made Albert Einstein their honorary member after his statement where he announced to live as a plumber if at all he would given a chance to live again.

8) Japan, being the capital country for technology have invented urinals with voice mechanisms where it amazingly responds on commands which also includes ‘fire’

9) You must not be aware but Ozzy Osbourne, a famous and quiet loved rock star was once a plumber before stepping into music industry. Seems like you do get extra ordinary ideas from working in the most ordinary places.